Monkey's Leg Paloma González Rubio
Young Adult
160 pages
Mystery, terror
Rights sold to: Spanish
ISBN: 9788411822664
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Elsa is a fourteen-year-old that has just moved in the Hollowsnwith her parents. It’s an isolated area in the coast, and theynare expecting to run an old rural hotel. Anything, in order tonleave the past behind. 

They are four: Elsa, her parents Gloria and Ariel, and Monkey,nElsa’s stuffed monkey, which, against all odds, seems to benalive. He is Elsa’s pet, more than a toy, and it carries with himnthe only reminder of the tragedy they are running away from:nhis missing leg. 

This rural hotel seems to be a perfect way of starting over,nbut when they arrive they will find that the main entrance ofnthe house is blocked by some bushes. Thanks to the help ofntheir eccentric neighbour Ignotus, who is Elsa’s age, they willnbe able to get in through the back door, but Ignotus will warnnElsa: the house doesn’t allow everyone inside, and it hidesnmuch more than a simple rural hotel. As days go by and Elsanand Ignotus get closer, she will learn about the old mines thatnrun below their feet and she will discover that the Hollows is anfeared place... with good reason.