MultiCosmos 3 Drone Rebellion Pablo C. Reyna. Illustrations by Luján Fernández.
Age: 8+
Adventure, Video games, Mystery, Friendship, Action
256 pages, B/W illustrations
Rights sold: Spanish (Penguin Random House)
ISBN: 9788490436301
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Collection: MultiCosmos MultiCosmos

More about: Pablo C. Reyna Pablo C. Reyna

"Welcome to CosmicCon, the great international convention of MultiCosmos. My name is MoriBot262 and I'll be your guide. Please, follow me."

Tokio is celebrating CosmicCon, the most exciting event in the entire world and the best place to dodge the very dangerous Enigma. Thanks to the highest security measures, the first holopulsera prototypes and highly advanced robots, the situation seems to be well under control... that is, until a sudden rescue mission changes everything.